Contact Overview 接触概述

这里提供 LS-DYNA 接触的一些简要信息。讨论不包含所有的接触类型的接触选项。更详细的 LS-DYNA 的接触回顾可以在 上找到 FEA Information Newsletters 中关于接触模型的由四个部分组成的系列文章。

这一系列文章的四部分分别在 2001 年的 8,9,10,12 月份的新闻信里。

Automatic vs. Non-automatic:


Type 13 contact (contact_automatic_single_surface) is a single surface contact (no master surface is defined) that always considers shell thickness and has no orientation. Thus it’s necessary that shell surfaces be modeled with at least a small gap between them. To avoid initial penetrations, the gap should be no less than the average thickness of the two shells potentially in contact. No gap is necessary between solid elements. The contact searching algorithm for type 13 contact is more complex than for type 3 (contact_surface_to_surface) or a3 (contact_automatic_surface_to_surface), i.e., type 13 can handle situations such as shell edge to surface, and to some extent, Beam to shell surface. As with any single surface contact type, resultant forces are not directly retrievable in the RCFORC file; one must define a contact_force_transducer_penalty in order to retrieve the contact forces. The article“contact.13vs26″ provides additional information on contact_automatic_single_surface and contrasts it to contact_automatic_general.

Type 13 接触(contact_automatic_single_surface)是一种单面接触(不需要定义主面),总是考虑壳的厚度且没有方向性。因而参与接触的板壳面在建模的时候需要至少保持一个小的间隙。为了避免初始穿透,间隙不能小于潜在会发生接触的两个壳之间厚度的平均值。体单元之间不需要有间隙。接触类型 13 的接触搜索算法比接触类型 3(contact_surface_to_surface)或者接触类型 a3(contact_automatic_surface_to_surface)更加复杂。例如,type13 可以处理例如壳边对面,梁对壳面的情况。和任何其它单面接触类型一样,接触力不是直接从 RCFORC 文件中获取,你必需要定义 contact_force_transducer_penalty 来获取接触力。文章”contact.13vs26″提供了关于 contact_automatic_single_surface 和 contact_automatic_general 对比的一些额外信息。(之后会贴出,敬请等待)

Type 3 contact (contact_surface_to_surface) contact is a surface-to-surface (two-way) contact where shell thickness consideration can either be turned on or off either in *contact or *control_contact (*contact has priority). The orientation of the contact segments is important with this contact type as the shell only looks in one direction for potential contact.

Type 3 接触(contact_surface_to_surface)是双向的面对面接触,其中壳的厚度考虑选项可以通过 *contact 或者 *control_contact(*contact 优先)卡片打开或者关闭。接触片的方向是很重要的,因为这种接触类型只在一个方向来检测潜在的接触。

  • 发表于 · 2017.09.16 08:33 · 阅读 · 4790

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